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Canvas Big Box

This chest of drawers can store Canvas and all its expansion content, and it makes setup a breeze!

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Canvas Big Box

Become the best cheesemaker in France in this simultaneous worker-placement game.


The award-winning board game where you layer transparent cards to bring your painting to life!

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Canvas: Reflections

This Canvas expansion adds a new layer to the puzzle -- reversible Mirror Cards!

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Canvas Reflections
Canvas: Finishing Touches

This Canvas expansion adds a layer of competitive player interaction with the new frames.

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Canvas: Finishing Touches
Don't Go In There

Explore the haunted house to find a way break the curse.

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Don't Go In There

Plan epic vacations by drawing travel routes on your globe.

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In the aftermath of a supernova, form uneasy truces with your competitors to extract resources from unstable planets.

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Sneak into the royal crypt to reclaim your inheritance in this push-your-luck dice game.

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Road To Infamy

A simultaneous-play bidding game where the goal is to outwit the rival gangs and become the most infamous crime operation.

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Road To Infamy

A party game where players debate issues plaguing the universe. Win votes and become President of the Galaxy.

We're Jeff & Andrew,

old high school friends from Chicago living out our dream as game designers, publishers, and co-owners of R2i Games. We design light to medium weight games with easy-to-learn rules and strategic gameplay. We're also diehard (and hopeless) Bears fans.

Jeff's current favorite game: Daybreak

Andrew's current favorite game: Cascadia

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